Water Resource Management

Tongwei strictly abides by national laws, regulations, and local policies such as the Water Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution. The Company formulates and implements the Water Conservation Management Procedure, continuously strengthens water management, optimizes water use structure, and reduces operational risks caused by water resource shortages.

(1) Key Performances

Water conservation target in 2023: 3.594 million tons; Actual water conservation in 2023: 8.2229 million tons

Total water consumption in 2023: 57.0767 million tons

Water consumption intensity in 2023: 410.32 tons per million revenue

Proportion of recycled water in 2023: 91.72%, increased 8.67% from 2022

More than 20 water conservation improvement projects undertaken and implemented in 2023

Water conservation target in 2024: 4.5259 million tons

(2)Management Structure

Tongwei has actively established and continuously enhanced the organizational structure for water resource management. Among them, the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee is the highest responsible organization of the water resources management structure, consisting of five directors, whose main responsibilities include conducting research and presenting recommendations on the Company's sustainable development and ESG matters, including but not limited to carbon emission reduction management, energy management and water resources management.

Tongwei Water Management Structure

Strategy and Sustainable
Development Committee
Head of each
business entity
Head of each
subsidiary and branch
Related departments of
subsidiaries and branches

(3) Management Measures

Tongwei attaches great importance to water resource management and adopts a comprehensive water resource management strategy. The Company not only employs innovative initiatives in water-saving management to improve water efficiency but also continuously optimizes water utilization technologies to ensure the sustainable use of water resources. In addition, efforts are ongoing to bolster oversight of vulnerable areas in water management, effectively mitigating water dependency and risks of water scarcity.

Water Conservation Management

Rationalization Suggestions: The company has formulated the TQM Continuous Improvement Management Measures to incentivize employees to propose rationalization suggestions for enhancing water conservation efforts and reducing consumption. Furthermore, the Company offers appropriate rewards for outstanding suggestions and process improvement measures
Water Conservation Training: The Company regularly organizes water conservation training sessions for employees to bolster their awareness and commitment to water conservation, and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards environmental protection and effective water resource management among employees
Performance Assessment: The Company sets energy-saving and consumption reduction targets for key performance indicators like water consumption per unit of product. These targets are integrated into the economic responsibility system assessment to enforce accountability for energy conservation and emission reduction efforts

Water Conservation Processes

Process and Equipment Improvements: The Company reduces water consumption through a series of process optimization, technology improvement and equipment replacement measures, including recycling of overflow water by washing tank from the texturing and alkali blasting processes, connecting water tank pipelines, and improving the cooling tower’s ice machine system
Water Balance Measurement: The Company has established a scientific water metering system, added water meters and readers for key water consumption equipment, quantified and analyzed the water balance, timely discovered and controlled abnormal water consumption, and promoted the rational formulation of water conservation plans
Wastewater Recycling: The Company recovers production wastewater such as fine dilute acid wastewater, ROR concentrated water and EDI electrode water from the workshop, and recycles them after processing, replacing the tap water used in the production process, thus reducing water consumption and production costs
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